+31(0)85 - 130 74 61

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nogepa bocas
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

BookLast booked 25 minutes ago

This instructor led training course is designed to teach personnel about Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) in the workplace. It will educate delegates on exposure limits, safe work practice including respiratory protection and emergencies involving H2S. All delegates will be evaluated on the lessons learned.

  • Timetable:0.5 day(s)
  • Validation:1 year
  • Requirements:None
* , Including coffee and/or tea and course material

More information about the Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

During the Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) course, which is comply by OSHA, the delegates receives information and is made aware about the dangers and risks of hydrogen sulphide. They will also be trained in taking the adequate actions in case of a hydrogen sulphide leakage.

Alle personnel who are at risk of getting in contact with installations where an enhanced level of H2S concentration can be expected. In most scenarios this concerns employees who work in the petroleum and gas industry. However this course is also suitable for employees who work in e.g. sewers, sewer treatment, fertilizers and waste management where H2S can exist.


  • Describe what H2S is and where it is found
  • Describe the physical characteristics of H2S
  • Identify the Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL)
  • Identify the symptoms and effects of H2S exposure
  • Recognize the signals and actions associated with monitoring systems

Use the “Book” button below to go to our booking form to book the course. In case of questions, you can call us on +31(0)85 – 130 74 61 or contact us via our contact form.

Risk free: Up to 24 hours in advance
free cancellation, no prepayment required

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    Train safe at FMTC,
    also during COVID-19

    See more information about the travel restrictions.

    More info
    Everyone is welcome, unless you have COVID-19 symptoms
    We maintain social distance
    All lessons are in line with the WHO regulations
    No risk: Free cancellation

    All other OSHA