M&A Safety Services M&A Safety Services
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Confined Space Entrant Attendant E-learning

Confined Space Entrant Attendant E-learning

BookLast booked 2 hours ago

This E-Learning training assists employers by conveniently providing information that allows entrant attendants to acquire the understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of their duties, as required by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.146. Those who complete this online Confined Space Entrant Attendant course will receive training on the various roles and responsibilities of the entrant attendant and entry supervisor, including a review of permitting procedures and the approval process. Learners will also be briefed on the atmospheric hazards associated with confined spaces and the measures necessary for protection such as monitoring, testing, ventilation, emergency response and evacuation. Upon completion of the training modules, learners will complete a knowledge assessment. Those who complete this training must also be evaluated by their employer to ensure understanding of the information provided.

Course Length: 1.5 hours

Those who take this course may also be interested in – Respiratory Protection, Work Permits, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Hazard Identification, Walking and Working Surfaces, Lockout/Tagout Awareness, Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Piping and Vessel Isolation, Stop Work Authority

⇒ Click here to show the full course outline

  • Timetable:1.5 hour(s)

This Confined Space Entrant Attendant course is for persons working in or around confined spaces, or who have active roles in confined space entry operations, such as authorized entrants, attendants, entry supervisors, persons who test or monitor the atmosphere in a permit space, or any person whose body may break the plane of an opening into the space, such as inspectors or EHS consultants.

Use the “Book” button below to go to our booking form to book the course. In case of questions, you can call us on +1 (337) 451 4685 or contact us via our contact form.

Risk free: Up to 24 hours in advance
free cancellation, no prepayment required

Certified OPITO, NOGEPA, GWO and STCW training courses

Unique locations at the most convenient places around the world

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Flexibility is paramount

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All other OSHA E-learning