OPITO OIM – Controlling Emergencies (OIM-CE) (7025)
BookLast booked 1 hours agoThe aim of the OPITO OIM-CE course is for personnel deemed ready by their employer to be formally assessed in the role of an OIM, Deputy for OIM, or Emergency Deputy for OIM, during an emergency situation. This course takes place in the dedicated Emergency Control Centre (ECC) facilities located at FMTC Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
The oil and gas industry recognises that a major objective is to prevent incidents from occurring and, if they do occur, to control them and minimize their effect. It is important, therefore, to set common standards and to ensure that personnel are continuously trained, assessed and reassessed against these summaries of best practice. Candidates will require the knowledge and skills to enable them to carry out the tasks involved and this may require basic training, practice, relevant experience or regular drills and exercises to be undertaken before an official assessment can be held.
This Product introduces and describes the competence statements, safety training and further practice for OIMs controlling emergencies and explains how competence shall be assessed and certified for this role.
It is strongly recommended from FMTC Safety to take the OIM CE preparation course before this course to get your certification as complete as possible. Click here for the content and objectives of the OIM CE Preparation Course and to book it.
Entry requirements
Prior to taking this formal assessment the candidate is to provide written evidence of being qualified to act as an OIM and has had a leading role in maintaining the emergency preparedness on an offshore E&P installation. Click here to book the preparation course!
This process should include the Company selection, training and on the job appraisal and assessment procedures, the competence profile of the OIM or potential OIM together with the record of their past experience, particularly any experience of controlling real incidents or emergencies.
Training and/or assessment activities contained within this Product may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. Therefore, we require that all participants of this course complete the appropriate medical screening form provided.
There are no specific timings for the duration of the OIM-ER competence assessment(s). However, sufficient time and access to learners must be arranged in order to ensure that all required performance criteria can be successfully assessed during a minimum of 3 emergency scenarios.
A maximum of 4 attempts to achieve the successful assessment of the 3 emergency scenarios is permitted.
OPITO OIM-CE (OPITO Product 7025). There is no formal expiry date. However, it is recommended, with the fast changes in technology and associated systems, that participants are re-assessed, as a minimum, every 3 years.
Use the “Book” button below to go to our booking form to book the course. In case of questions, you can call us on +1 (337) 451 4685 or contact us via our contact form.
Bookfree cancellation, no prepayment required
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