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Offshore First Aid course

Offshore First Aid course

ZarezerwujLast booked 16 minutes ago

The NOGEPA 2.2A Basic Offshore First Aid course teaches the participants to render first aid to victims of accidents or persons who suffer from acute sickness. Besides that the participants receive training in accompanying the sick and injured when transported ashore. On top of that the participants receive training in managing offshore first aid equipment, assisting and coordinating multiple victims, communicating with a back-up doctor ashore and performing first aid with directions from a back-up doctor.

  • Rozkład jazdy:4 dzień/dni
  • Certyfikacja:2.2A NOGEPA
  • Validation:2 jaar
* excl. NOGEPA registratiekosten (€ / $ 10,00), excl. BTW (Indien van toepassing), inclusief lunch, koffie / thee en het cursusmateriaal

More information about NOGEPA 2.2A Offshore First Aid

The NOGEPA 2.2A Offshore First Aid course takes four days to complete. After completion you will receive the NOGEPA 2.2A certificate, which is valid for 2 years.

Besides this course, we offer many other Offshore First Aid courses.

Course Content:

During the Offshore First Aid training the following will be discussed:

  • First Aid for drowning and hypothermia
  • Provide First Aid with shock, bleedings en basic wound treatment
  • Stabilising victims with fractures or possible back and neck injuries
  • Give an injection into a muscle
  • Preparing victim transport
  • Communication and radio medical service
  • Keeping medical records up to date
  • Personal hygiene

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Risk free: Up to 24 hours in advance
free cancellation, no prepayment required

Certyfikowane szkolenia OPITO, NOGEPA GWO i STCW

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